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EcoCentre Kaitaia

Committee & Board



Apply for this role


Te Pokapū Tiaki Taiao O Te Tai Tokerau is the trust that runs the EcoCentre in Kaitāia, and is in need of 2 new trustees.

The EcoCentre is the administrative home to the following innovative programmes: Tai Tokerau TimeBank, Maara Kai o Te Hapori Community Garden, Zero Waste Te Hiku, Anō Anō Clothing Rescue and Kaitāia Cycle Community Composting.

The Trust celebrates 22 years of operation this year, and it has been quite a roller coaster of a history! It was originally established when there was Governmental block funding for environmental organisations . The funding is now grant based and this has required a change in focus away from large projects to smaller programmes and self funding events.

In recent years CBEC Ecosolutions and Para Kore have picked up most of the work directly with schools, kura, ECE and kohanga reo. Rather than try to duplicate that work without the funding structure, the Trust has been focusing on enabling individuals to make changes in their own lives and working towards a resilient and sustainable economy.

We have some very dedicated trustees who have seen us through some lean financial times. However there has been a noticeable shift in funding priorities and the work we’re doing now is even ‘on trend’! We are now in the position of having funding to pay core staff on a contract basis. We are eternally grateful to have a chartered accountant now in charge of our funding and finances which has made the operation of the Trust and all our programmes considerably steadier.

Two long serving trustees have recently indicated a desire to resign in the coming months.

If needed, training for the role of Trustee will take place by working alongside existing board members. Experience is warmly welcomed.


Basic computer skills, ability to work in a team, interest in environmental and social issues. If you do not have a good internet connection at home, you can use the EcoCentre Computers/wifi to attend meetings by Zoom when required.

A Police background check is required for this role.

Time commitment

The Trust Board meets once per month for approximately 2 hours. Every third meeting is in person at a venue in Kaitāia, other meetings are held via Zoom.

Getting Started

The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Apply for
this role.

Demographic information:

Used anonymously for statistics to demonstrate our impact to funders.