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Inspirational acts of volunteerism that foster inclusion, joy and community connection.

Clock icon 13 February 2024

Organisation Spotlight: Radio Lollipop - ‘’The Sweetest Medicine Of All”

Radio Lollipop is a shining example of how to incorporate joy, fun and connection into children’s lives during an inpatient hospital stay.

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A smiling child in hospital with a volunteer, presenting cards and paper flowers they made together.
Clock icon 2 February 2024

Volunteer Spotlight: Jessie - Finding Your Passion

Jessie Manney, Manager of Volunteering Northland, found her true passion and a sense of belonging in the not-for-profit sector through volunteering.

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Clock icon 3 December 2023

Volunteer Spotlight: Nimo - Empowering Refugee Women and Girls

Inspirational volunteer and newly appointed Volunteering Northland Board Secretary Nimo Adam Ahmed is fully embracing life in her new home country.

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Nimo volunteer