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Citizens Advice Bureau Whangarei

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Interviewers and Super-Sleuths

CAB Whangarei are having a new induction training in late August for new volunteer interviewers with the savvy to find the answers to any imaginable question.

We don’t need people who know it all, just people who know how to find it all.

We would love to hear from people willing and able to support people with their appointments at other (Government) agencies.

Also needed are super-sleuths who can interpret government websites to find answers, and prompt action.

The subjects of enquiries range from consumer rights through to housing, relationship problems, immigration, employment rights and beneficiary assistance, as well as contacts for other organisations.


The bureau is looking for a diverse range of volunteers including Maori, migrants, men and people with disabilities.

A CAB Interviewer is required to be able to:

  • Relate well with a diverse range of people
  • Be an effective listener and have good oral and written skills
  • Maintain confidentiality
  • Be confident in themselves
  • Be confident working with a computer
  • Work within CAB aims, values and principles and core processes
  • Give and receive feedback effectively
  • Conduct interviews consistent with CAB processes and policies

A Police background check is required for this role.

Time commitment

Volunteers commit to a half day each week to meet people and answer their phone enquiries.
There will be three days training as part of a structured induction process for new volunteers, with ongoing mentoring provided.
Volunteers need to attend all three days of induction training (from 9.30 am to 3.30 pm): dates late August and early September

Getting Started

The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Apply for
this role.

Demographic information:

Used anonymously for statistics to demonstrate our impact to funders.