Kia ora, welcome to Volunteering Northland

Whangarei Riding for the Disabled

Trades & Maintenance



Apply for this role

Team projects, Maintenance, Gardening and/or Stable Support

We provide opportunities for anyone with a disability to enjoy safe, healthy, stimulating, therapeutic horse riding and horse-related activities.

To support the service RDA supplies, there are a number of jobs that a team could tackle to improve the facilities. Get in touch to find out how you can help! On the job.
(Fits Teams)



A Police background check is required for this role.

Time commitment

Best days are Fridays, or weekends.

Getting Started

The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Apply for
this role.

Demographic information:

Used anonymously for statistics to demonstrate our impact to funders.