Kia ora, welcome to Volunteering Northland
Far North Community Hospice is a charitable trust and the sole provider of palliative care services in the Far North. The service operates from (Dampney House) Matthews Avenue in Kaitaia. On staff are 4 nurses providing pain and symptom management, Family Support Co-ordinator (providing bereavement support), a Life Review Service, Complimentary Therapy (monthly), and a committed group of volunteers.
A dedicated self contained unit within the Kaitaia Hospital is The Shirley Crawford Haven which is available for patients and family/whānau to use at the terminal phase of life or during an interim period of treatment.
The nurses work in collaboration with other health professionals (such as the GP, Social Worker, Hospital staff, and other Multi-disciplinary health professionals). The team blend their strengths together to anticipate and meet the needs of the patient and family facing a terminal illness.
Far North Community Hospice (FNCH) is looking for help in the storeroom sorting and packing donations.
We welcome willing persons with an exceptional eye who can easily spot the quality of donated clothes and goods. The items sorted are then moved into the Hospice Shop to be sold generating income to provide a free service to the Far North Community.