Kia ora, welcome to Volunteering Northland

The Northland Pacific Islands Charitable Trust - Fale Pasifika Te Tai Tokerau

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Fale Pasifika bridges the gap between our island roots and NZ born and helps to connect people who identify as Pasifika in Northland. We organise events highlighting our unique Pacific Island cultures and offer help in all areas of daily life - from help with language barriers to health services.

Available Roles:

Festival Crew Pasifika Fusion - 1 March

Do you love meeting people? Do you enjoy the Pacific Islands vibes? If this sounds like you, then you sound qualified to be one of our festival volunteers at our Northland Pasifika Fusion Festival.

  • Events
  • Evenings/Weekends
  • Whangarei
  • Ref: 1381

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