Kia ora, welcome to Volunteering Northland

clock icon 15 May 2024

Best Practice Grant Seeking Workshop

Upskill your knowledge in grants processes, enhancing success rates.

Facilitated by Strategic Grants

In this workshop, you will self-score your organisation’s performance against seven critical success factors, learn best practice processes and funder expectations and have a clear plan on where your organisation needs to focus its attention to improve grants success.

This practical half-day workshop will cover:

-An overview of the current grants landscape
-Getting your organisation ‘grant ready’ – self score against our Grants Best Practice Tracker
-Guide to packaging projects
-Feedback from funders on why applications do or don’t succeed
-Donor relationships
-Grant writing overview
-Evaluation, reporting and how to engage your donors.
-Templates and checklists will ensure you are well-equipped to build your organisation’s capacity.

Seating is limited so please let us know if you need to cancel your space as we may have a wait list.

We are offering 2 sessions of the same workshop:

Wednesday 6 March March, 9:00am - 1.30pm
Wednesday 15 May, 9:00am - 1.30pm

Hosted by Volunteering Northland in collaboration with Whangarei District Council and Foundation North.
